Firstly, on behalf of the Committee, I’d like to thank everyone for all their love and support these last couple of weeks. A lot of work went into organising the panels, and we are grateful for the enthusiasm our community has shown.
Our committee met today and for the most part we got to the grind when it came to the less glamorous admin of organising the con: figuring out our mailing list, writing questions for panellists, etc. We’ll be briefing our guests on the panels soon with the hope of having a clear and focussed discussion that we can get the most out of. And we will also be writing to people who’ve GMed in the past about submitting games to the con.
We’re still trying to figure out whether or not we can manage a charity live stream, balancing scheduling and availability. We hope to have more details about this soon.
On the whole, a productive meeting even that lays more of the groundwork for the events come April.
Vivek Santayana
Conpulsion Director